Media Kit:

Above photo: Cheshire Inn in St. Louis, Missouri
Have Kids Will Travel is written with families in mind. We love working with new companies and brands! We really like to partner with family-friendly brands that we can recommend to our readers who travel with their kiddos. Here are some partnership examples I have taken part in previously. Of course, I am open to new partnership ideas!
- Sponsored Resort Visits
- Multiple Blog Posts/Daily Diary of Trip
- Destination Visits
- Hotel Experiences
- Sponsored Posts
- Business & Restaurant Experiences
- Brand Ambassadorship
- Theme Park Experiences
- Photo Package
Brands We Have Partnered With:

We travel as a family of four. Because of my engineer husband’s hectic work schedule, we sometimes travel as a family of three.
For more information or to check availability, email me at or send me a message HERE.

Current Social Media Stats: